Forest Lake Ice Fishing Classic

Saturday, February 8, 2025 (12:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (CST)


Forest Lake Auto, Truck & Trailer proudly presents the Forest Lake Ice Fishing Classic for 2025, on Saturday, February 8th, 2025, from 12 to 3pm. Date: Saturday, 2/8/25 Time: 12pm to 3pm, Pre-Register: If you do not pre-register, please plan to register by 10am on location the day of the contest. The contest takes place on Forest Lake, through Lakeside Park in downtown. Parking in the park lot is for local businesses and there is no parking on the ice, so plan to take the free shuttle from Running Aces Casino, Hotel & Racetrack, located at 15201 Running Aces Blvd, Columbus, MN 55025. Proceeds from the contest will benefit the Invisible Wounds Project, Forest Lake American Legion, Forest Lake Police, Forest Lake Fire, Forest Lake Fishing Team, Centennial Fishing Team, and Community Helping Hand Food Shelf Schedule 9 AM: Parking Shuttles Begin, Online Pre-Registration Closes, In-Person Registration Opens. 10 AM: Vendor Row Opens, 50/50 Raffle Begins, Contestants may start choosing hole locations, Contestants bring volunteer to location at which they would like to fish for the entirety of the competition. 1145 AM: ​Review of contest rules and announcements, Kickoff announcement 12 PM: Fishing contest begins. 2 PM: In-Person Registration closes, 50/50 Raffle Closes 3 PM: Fishing contest closes. (Must be in line to be weighed)​. 330 PM: Announce All Raffle Winners, Fishing Contest Winners, and Present Checks to Charitable Organizations Full list of rules and info:
Forest Lake (1st Lake)
Saturday, February 8, 2025 (12:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (CST)
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